撰文 李政道 攝影 林志潭 Jr Tan Lin
也許是因為這裡「很不台北」,甚至有點時空的錯置。從庫倫街轉進來,巷弄裡的房子約莫兩層樓高,洗石子的外牆,門面樸實的老磚面、或拉皮可愛的馬賽克,圓弧的轉角設計……。估計大概是在 40、50 年代的房子,視線開闊以外還能見到綠蔭,還沒開始吃心裡也跟著先開闊了起來。走近梅滿,醒目的橘色招牌你一定能見到,但有些可惜不是更老式的招牌,的確少了一點味道。
對台北上班族來說,吃飯的時間很重要,尤其 12:00 ~ 1:00 一定是高峰期。
如果來的時間錯了,例如:12點45 分,等著被餵飽的人很多,請你一定要耐心等候,因為他們值得。外面有三張桌子,這是最舒服的位置,拿了白色的內用單,寫成紅色要重填的。而滷肉飯當然是必須的,除此之外焢肉更是一絕,所以請大膽的選擇焢肉加肉燥,吃了一半以後也把叫來的滷蛋打破攪在飯裡,蛋黃的香氣與口感綿密與滷汁交融後,然後一口飯、一口酸菜、一口肉、一口麒麟啤酒,可以粗魯的吞嚥、豪邁的咀嚼,然後細細的品味。已經不是在人間。
このあたりは少しも「台北らしく」なく、時代に取り残されたような感じさえします。庫倫街から入って来ると、路地の家屋はせいぜい二階建て、外は砂利入りの壁、素朴なレンガ作りの門、それに可愛らしいモザイク画、弧を描く曲がり角……おそらく40、50 年代ごろの建物でしょう。視界が開けているだけでなく木陰も見え、食べる前から心も広々としてきます。梅満に入ると覚めるようなオレンジの看板がまず目に入ります。残念ながら一部のより古い看板は交換されてしまい、少し味わいが減りました。
台北の会社員にとって昼ご飯の時間はとても大事です。特に12:00 ~ 1:00 ごろにピークを迎えます
タイミングが悪いと、例えば12點45 分ごろに来てしまうと食を求める人で溢れかえりますが、それでも根気強く待ってください。それだけの価値があります。外には三つのテーブルがあり、ここが最も快適な席です。白い店内用注文票を取り、赤く塗ってください。魯肉飯は必ず注文してください。この他焢肉も絶品です。ですので大胆に焢肉に肉そぼろを追加しましょう。半分食べた頃に煮卵を崩してご飯に混ぜれば、黄身の香りと食感がタレと上手く絡み合い、ご飯を一口、酸菜の漬物を一口、お肉を一口、そしてキリンビールを一口。無造作に食らいつき、豪快に噛み砕き、そしてしっかり味わってください。天にも昇る心地です。
台灣人對啤酒的飲用習慣,對我來說一直都不太合理,也是錯誤的– 從當兵開始,啤酒變成一種社交與逞兇鬥狠的工具,兩個人彼此乾杯比拼、甚至連威士忌也拿來比呢,味道與否沒有差別,也就是如果要比的話,養樂多也可以比、可樂也可以比,不是嗎?他們只是想看對方醉到無能為力的樣子罷了。
所以有些長輩們,看到有人拿著啤酒,就溫馨提醒少喝一點吧!不要酗酒啊!直到日劇、與出國旅行後,才感覺到在日本喝啤酒,是另一回事 — 下班了,喝一杯聊個天,吐一口悶氣吧!回家了,喝一杯輕鬆一下吧!日本人喝啤酒,喝的是生活裡的甜苦況味。
ですので先輩の皆様、ビールを手にしている人を見たら飲みすぎないように!酔いつぶれないように!と優しく声をかけてあげてください。日本のドラマを見て、海外旅行に出て初めて日本でビールを飲む感覚を体験しましたが、これはまた別のお話です。 — 仕事帰りにビールを一杯やっておしゃべりし、陰鬱な気分を吐き出しましょう! 家に帰ったら、一杯やってリラックスしましょう!日本人が飲むビールとは、生活の様々な味なのでしょう。
好萊塢電影刺激1995 ( The Shawshank Redemption ) 裡,一群牢犯們正在監獄裡的屋頂工作,同樣是牢犯的主角Andy運用特權,讓大家一起在工作後戶外享受著冰涼的啤酒時。 主角的好友 Red 說: 「這樣悠閒氣氛彷彿大家都是個自由人,在自家的屋頂上勞動罷了。Andy 看著大夥喝著酒,露出淺淺的微笑,我想,他大概是想要享受這短暫的自由。(We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. Hell, we could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation. As for Andy – he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer. )。」夏日午後的啤酒搭配上梅滿,對我來說大概是這樣舒服與自由的存在。
ハリウッド映画「ショーシャンクの空に」では、Andyとほかの囚人たちが屋外で労働中に冷たいビールを楽しむシーンがあり、そこでRedが言います:主人公が監獄の中で皆にビールをふるまうシーンで: 「こうやってのんびりしていると皆まるで自由の身だ。自分の家の屋上で作業しているのと変わらない。Andyは皆がビールを飲むさまを見てかすかに微笑んだ。思うに、彼はこのほんの一時の自由を掘っ知っていたのだろう。」(We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. Hell, we could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation. As for Andy – he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer. )
如果你常來吃,一定會看到梅滿美食的固定班底—阿桑、阿姨、跟微微壯碩的輕熟小哥。當時無知的我曾以為阿桑是打工的幫手問道:「為什麼你們叫梅滿美食?啊~誰是梅滿?」 阿桑元氣的說:「偶是阿滿!她是阿梅!」
83 歲的老闆娘阿滿,馱著背勤奮的收拾、擦拭、買單算錢,她說早年老公賺錢不夠養家,經過婆婆的介紹,她只好也出來跟著做滷肉飯,這樣的工作約莫做了將近 40 年,早年大同公司工廠的員工喜歡吃完早餐後直接工作,所以「梅滿」從七點半就開始賣了。
何度も来ている方は梅満の固定店員に出会っているでしょう。–おばさん一人、おばあさん、そしてガタイの良い兄さんです。まだ何も知らなかったころ、おばさんのことをただの手伝いだと思って聞きました:「梅満という名前はどこから来たの。梅満って誰なの」 するとおじさんは元気に答えました:「私が満!あっちが梅!」
83 歳になる店主の満さんは曲がった腰で席を片付け、テーブルを拭き、帳簿をつけます。店主曰く昔は夫の稼ぎでは食べていけなかったため、おばあさんの紹介で仕方なく魯肉飯を作ることになり、そうこうしているうちに早四十年が経ちました。昔は大同の工場労働者がよく来て朝ご飯を食べてから仕事に向かっていたため、「梅満」は朝七時半から営業を始めていました。
– 全文完 –
最後為梅滿工商服務時間 | 梅満工商の時間です
店內販售梅滿滷肉飯的老醬油品牌「鬼女神醬油」和非常好吃的梅滿美食自製川味麻辣醬(一瓶 150 元)
また梅満美食四川風麻辣醤(一瓶 150 元もあります)
西城帶路 通のこだわりポイント
1. 「焢肉飯加肉燥」是最棒的吃法。阿梅阿滿很豪爽,食量小者記得交代「小碗,飯少」。「焢肉飯肉そぼろかけ」は最高の食べ方です。阿梅と阿満はとても豪快なので、少食の方は必ず「小椀、ご飯少なめ」と 注文しましょう。
2. 不耐等候者建議避開中午12:00-13:00附近上班族用餐時間。待ちたくなければ12:00-13:00(周辺の会社員の昼休憩時間)を避けましょう。
3. 店內有黑貓、橘貓、小胖狗(母狗叫美麗),室外兩桌空氣較流通,也能順道欣賞街景。店内には黒猫、オレンジの猫、小さく丸っこい犬(美麗という名前の雌犬)がいます。屋外の二つのテーブルは通気性も良く、外の風景も楽しめます。
営業時間:10:00 – 14:00
TEL:02 2596 2348
Summer, beer and braised pork rice
Though it is kind of “cheating” to fans of braised pork rice, I have to say that the soy-stewed pork rice with minced pork is the perfect combo in the world. The pork belly needs to be perfectly braised till the meat was softened, 1.5-centimeter fat, along with the lean meat with tenderloin taste. When you are lucky enough, you might have the slightly crispy cartilage. The minced pork that is comparatively inconspicuous has the sweet taste like soybean. The light green pickled cabbage makes one watering. One mouthful of rice followed another one and more … till the bowl is empty!
As a Taiwanese, this is the authentic way to have the braised pork meat.
Summer in Taipei is extremely muggy that you just want to have a beer with your lunch. Once you have the thought emerge from your mind, then you will definitely need to take action. You MUST get the Kirin Beer. One of the reasons is the obsession towards this old brand which has imported into Taiwan since the Japanese government period, and the other one is that to match with the food, one should really insist on the quality of the beer.
I was considering among Taiwan beer, Asahi beer, and Orion beer. They have a fresh taste but not strong enough. Heineken and Budweiser are a bit too sweet. Kirin has slight bitter but fresh barley taste that perfectly matches with the heavy food, making the lunch superb. Once get the beer in hand, my heart is filled with joy and my steps become light. I opened the can and sip a bit while scurrying. The closer to the destination, the faster is the heartbeat.
“Right next to the Confucius temple, leave from the exit 2 of Yuanshan station, walk along the Kulun Street that has a Starbucks, turn right at the first alley after crossing the street. On the left-hand side, the last store around the corner.” I spoke the location of the braised pork rice restaurant, Mei Man food, without pauses, in a paranoid way.
Why so?
Maybe because of its “unTaipei-like” feeling, and sometimes one might feel like jump into a different time and space. Turning from Kulun Street, the houses in the lane and alley are 2-floor buildings with the granolithic wall. The main door is made of plain old bricks or lovely mosaic, and the arc design around the corner…They are probably old houses built during the 1950s or 1960s. The view is nice and has green in sight. My mood turns bright because of the view even before I have the food. Closing to the Mei-Man restaurant, you must find the eye-catching orange signboard. It is a pity that it is not the old style signboard, losing some nostalgic feeling.
For the office workers in Taipei, the time for a meal is very important, especially during 12:00-13:00 which is definitely the peak time.
If you came at the wrong time, let’s say, a quarter to one is the time that a lot of people waiting to be feed. You must be very patient because the food worth it. There are three tables outside, which are the most comfortable seats. Take the white ordering menu for eating inside. If you took the red one, you will need to rewrite again with the white ordering menu. Needless to say, braised pork rice is a must. And the soy-stewed pork is even better. So, please boldly order the soy-stewed pork with minced pork. After you have half of the meal, you can mix the stewed egg that just served with the rice. Let the fragrance of the yolk and the soy sauce mingles together, and then a mouthful of rice, next pickled cabbage, a bite of meat, and sip the Kirin beer. You can swallow or wolf down, and then feel and enjoy the taste. You would feel like in heaven.
The drinking habit of Taiwanese culture has made no logic to me and is also wrong. Start from serving the military, drinking beer is a social tool to compete and show your power. Two people toast and then compete for the bottom up, even with Whisky. If so, then the taste is not the point. One could use Yakult or Coke to compete, couldn’t he? People just want to see others totally wasted.
Some seniors would suggest young people drink less if they saw those holding beers in hands. “Don’t drink too much!” Therefore, I have not realized the enjoyment of beer till I watch Japanese drama and travel abroad. Grab a beer after work, have chitchat and complain about work to relieve stress. After home, have a drink to relax. What the Japanese drink from beer is actually sweet and bitter in daily life.
In the Hollywood movie, The Shawshank Redemption, Andy had iced beer with his friends in jail after the outdoor labor work. When he bought beer for everyone, Red said, “The casual feeling makes us feel like free men, as if we were working on the rooftop of our home.” Andy was watching, grinned. I think he probably wanted to enjoy the temporary moment of freedom. (We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. Hell, we could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation. As for Andy – he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer. )
Having a beer with Mei-Man’s cuisine in the summer afternoon make me feel at ease and comfortable.
Except for the soul of the delicious taste, are there other good choices that would win extra points?
For soup, there are radish and crispy sparerib soup, but you can also order radish soup. The radish is soft. There are also many corianders in the soup as if they are free. Lots of side dishes are available for choices, such as stewed dried tofu, pig ears, and poached squid. Different from other stewed dishes, here in Mei-Man, the dishes are made with five-flavor sauce. What is more amazing is that they even have the Sichuan style spicy sauce. Compare with my pleasurable food experience in Sichaun, their spice sauce is no less than the ones in Sichaun. Surprisingly, the old lady in Mei-Man restaurant just looked up the cookbook to make the spicy sauce. It has proved that the experiences that accumulated by the time are outstanding than the techniques that gained by learning.
If you come often, you must see the regular customers: an old lady, an auntie, and a robust young lad. In the beginning, I thought the old lady is a part-time helper, and asked her naively, “Why the restaurant is named Mei-Man restaurant? Who is Mei-Man?” The old lady replied vigorously. “I am A-Man! She is A-Mei!”
The owner is the 83-year-old A-Mei. She bends her back and works diligently tidying table and checking bills. She said that her husband did not earn enough money back then so her mother-in-law led her to do the small business with braised pork rice. She has been doing this for nearly four decades. In the early years, the employees of Tatung liked to have breakfast and then go directly to work. Therefore, Mei-Man restaurant opens at 7:30 in the morning.
When you are full after having rice and beer, just tell the owner you want to check. A-Man, the old lady, will come to your table, and add up the bill with mumbling sounds. Sometimes, she would recount for couple times. I don’t actually know if she counts the right amount. But since the braised pork rice is so delicious and authentic, I think I will just trust her.
– The end –
Commercial Ads for Mei-Man food restaurant |
The handmade old soy sauce “Ghost Goddess Soy Sauce” is available in Mei-Man Restaurant and also the Sichaun spicy sauce, NT$ 150 for one bottle.
1. Soy-stewed pork rice with minced pork is the best set. A-Mei and A-Man are generous. If you have a tiny stomach, remember to order the small one with less rice.
2. If you do not want to waste your time queuing, try to avoid 12:00 – 13:00 (lunchtime for office workers).
3. There is a black cat, an orange cat, and a chubby dog (female dog named Mei-Li, means beauty in Mandarin). There are two tables outdoors that one can have fresh air and enjoy the street view.
梅滿美食 MeiManfood
Address: No.2, Aly. 2, Ln. 13, Kulun St.
Datong Dist., Taipei City 10367
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Open: 10:00 – 14:00
Close: Sundays
Average cost: NT$120
Seats: 20
Tel: 02 2596 2348
日譯 臼谷 英譯 陳姿岑
核稿編輯 鄭婷文