


撰文 李政道 攝影 蔡維農

走在昌吉街,如果創辦人「小楊」本人剛好坐在櫃檯,而你剛好眼神與他交會,他會展現充滿自豪的 85 歲老帥哥笑容、以及帶點臺灣腔的國語:「來喔~坐!好吃的啦!古早味的喔!」


每個月  11 號,(大龍峒保安宮附近的)大龍街與酒泉街口捐血車等待著熱血青年。於是,可捐血的日子來到,便抱持著「捐血補功德、喝湯補身體」這樣虔敬的心情,沿著大龍街往南走到昌吉街口找小楊。







大正 2 年(民國 2 年),日人相中臨近淡水河的水田一片,設立家畜市場與屠宰場,現今的昌吉街與大龍街一帶於是有了「豬屠口」的舊名。看著大窪四郎繪成的《台北鳥瞰圖》,不由得浮現貨品與人流沿著舊時的太平町通(即為延平北路),由近郊流動至東南方的蓬萊町(雙連市場)與西南方的大稻埕(永樂市場)的過往。


小楊民國22年出生,36  歲創業,因為有親屬在屠宰場內接應,直接提供原物料,所以豬血夠新鮮、才夠好吃。





小楊の店に入って、まず右側のカウンターにいる小楊爺ちゃんに注文して、番札をもらいます。次に、向かえ側にいるおばちゃんに番札を渡して小皿料理と引き換えます。種類はビーフン炒め、豚の血スープ、ルーロー飯の三種類だけです。「螣蛇(とうだ)は足無くして飛び、梧鼠(ごそ)は五技にして窮す。」一つのことに集中する固き心を持たなければならないのだ」『荀子』《勸学篇第一》 。小楊さんはその意味が分かるはずです。しかし、一皿30元という価格は安すぎます。


豬血湯帶著沙茶的香,豬血柔嫩的像是暗紅色的蛋豆腐,許多外國朋友聽到豬血湯( Pig-blood-soup),往往十分害怕,簡直是十大台灣地獄食物之一了。不過,與其想像成吸血鬼般啜飲整碗鮮紅色,倒不如說是湯裡漂浮著冰塊大小的精緻的赤色豆腐 ( blood tofu soup ),或許能比較有食慾吧。其實豬血在德國、義大利等歐洲國家的傳統菜色都有入菜,但年輕人敢嘗試的不多,除了特別能放開胸懷的旅行者,我特別享受帶著珍視生命的美國和加拿大人來,看他們拿出勇氣克服心理障礙後,津津有味,後悔沒有早點嘗試的表情。

再回到豬血湯,裡面韭菜與酸菜毫不吝惜,由於個人近年來口味漸轉清淡,婉拒了沙茶的好意。不過無論有沒有沙茶,這 30 元的價錢不合理。




20 元一碗還是不合理。



旁邊阿伯手上的那碗裡看不到肥厚的肉塊,只有細緻的肉末。稠稠的,汁很多。聞一聞,有東南亞香料的味道,是咖哩阿,到底是有咖哩味的滷肉飯,還是有滷肉味的咖哩飯呢?黏唇度很高,像是跟剛擦完護唇膏的女孩接吻,覺得嘴唇黏糊糊的。 而小碗的 20 元依舊很不合理。




另一方面,受日本教育的第一代老闆篤信著不忮不求、夠用就好的原則,照顧老客人、也體貼漲不了薪水的年輕人堅持不漲價—— 就算只賺一毛也是賺——仍苦苦撐著日漸高漲的成本,笑稱自己是銅板經濟。








小津安二郎電影《東京合唱》 裡, 體育老師大村所開的「卡路里軒」招貼是這樣寫的

健康的精神是謂健    寓於健康的身體
以咖哩飯實現    一盤滿腹主義
營養豐富   美味便宜有益健康



健康の精神は健康 健康の体にある
ライスカレーで実現 一皿満腹主義
栄養豊富で 美味しい且安くて健康


– 全文完 –


西城帶路 通のこだわりポイント




小楊豬血湯 小楊豚血
営業時間:10:00 – 21:00
料理:豬血湯(豚の血スープ)NT$30、滷肉飯NT$20、ビーフン炒め NT$30
TEL:0933 903 121

The Curry Braised Minced Pork Rice with Philosophy

It smells like the spice from southeast Asia. It is the curry! Is that the braised pork rice with curry, or the curry rice that has the braised pork rice? It is sticky as if you just kiss a girl that put on the lip balm. However, the price of NT$20 for a small bowl is still not reasonable!

Walking along the Changji Street, if you happened to encounter A-Yang sitting in the front desk and you two have eye contact, he will give you an 85-year-old charming smile with confidence, and greet you with Taiwanese accent Chinese, “Welcome! Enjoy our delicious food. It is traditional type!”And if you have a small talk with him, he might sing you Japanese songs.

The 11th of every month, the bloodmobile at the Dalong Street and Jiuquan Street, around the Dalongdong Bao’an Temple, is waiting for kind blood donors. Therefore, I always have the devout feeling that “donating blood for good deeds and having soup for good health” when I go to donate blood. Walking along the Dalong street heading south to the Changji street, and you will find A-Yang. Along the Dalong street to the Changji street, on the left-hand side is the Lanzhou Market; on the right-hand side, pass the Stewed Eel and the fruits stand, the third shop is the A-Yang Pork Blood Soup. Across the shop is another one that serves pork blood soup, called Red Changji.

You might be curious that two pork blood soup stands on the same street might be against each other, aren’t they? In fact, there is story about the pork blood soup in the Changji Street area. “When you pass through the slaughterhouse and hear the cattle’s whining, close your eyes and put your hands at the back as if being tied, showing that there is nothing you can do, so that the St. Peter will not blame you for not saving the livestock,”said the parents to their children that live around the slaughterhouse.

In 1913, the Japanese found the paddy field that closed to the Tamsui River and they establish the livestock market and the slaughterhouse. That is the origin of the name “pig slaughterhouse” of around the Changji and Dalong street that used to be called. Looking at the Overlook of Taipei painted by Ookubo Shirou,  I thought of the scene that people and goods circulating in Taiheimachi (now Yanping North Road), from the suburban area to the Hōraichō (now Shuanglian market) on the southeast and the Dadaocheng on the southwest (now Yongle Market).

A-Yang was born in 1933 and has started his own business at age 36. His family worked in the slaughterhouse so that A-Yang could get the ingredient directly. That is one of the reasons why his pork blood is fresh and tasty. It was heard that when he served pork blood soup in the Yangsan night market, there were people queuing even before the stand was ready. A-Yang did not start his business in the old pork slaughterhouse till 1982. But later due to the hard labor working for years, A-Yang closed up for a long time and then reopened the store in 2011 at Changji Street.

When you visit A-Yang’ pork blood, you need to order the meal with the Old Mr. Yang at the counter on your right-hand side. You will get a receipt that looks like a food ticket. Then you turn to the lady on the other side of the store to get the food. There are not many options, just fried rice noodles, pork blood soup, and the braised minced pork rice. The Chinese Confucian philosopher, Xun Kuang, once said the idea that when you concentrate on something and work hard on it, you will succeed in the end. A-Yang understands and agreeds with him. However, the prices of under NT$30 are just incredibly low.

It is not to difficult to realize that almost all the customers order the pork blood soup. The soup has the good smell of Shacha sauce and the pork blood looks like the egg tofu in red. Many foreigners are terrified when hearing the name of “pig-blood-soup,” which is on the list of Taiwanese top 10 devil’s food. However, instead of imaging have the blood soup like a vampire, it is actually more appealing to imagine having the exquisite blood tofu soup as if they are ice cubes in red. In fact, there are several countries that use pork blood in their traditional cuisines such as Germany, Italy and other European countries but there are few young generations that dare to try the pork blood soup unless they are really open-minded travelers. I enjoy more when seeing the expressions of the Americans and Canadians who treasure their lives, that show the regrets of not trying earlier after they get over the cultural differences and realize the taste of the pork blood. Let’s come back to the pork blood soup. There are plenty leeks and pickled cabbage in the soup. But due to my personal light flavor preference recently, I do not have the Shacha sauce added. But whether with the Shacha sauce or not, the price of NT$30 is just way too cheap.

When taking the fried rice noodles from the counter, I saw the lady spreading meat sauce on top. The sauce is separated from the braised minced pork meat, and there is no meat to be seen. The fried rice noodle looks plain except the pea sprout and the leek that decorated a bit. Add a spoon of chili sauce that looks hot and seems like hand-made and mix with the noodles, making sure that the noodles absorb the meat sauce before eating them.The seafood taste is just awesome. Though you do not see the dragon flying or the shiny ocean like the animation always exaggerate, you still wonder where does the seafood-like taste come from. It is also incredible that it costs just NT$20.

Then, what about the braised minced pork rice at A-Yang’s? The one that the middle age man next table has does not have greasy meat, but some minced meant. It is thick and juicy.

It smells like the spice from southeast Asia. It is the curry! Is that the braised pork rice with curry, or the curry rice that has the braised pork rice? It is sticky as if you just kiss a girl that put on the lip balm. However, the price of NT$20 for a small bowl is still not reasonable!

I realized the insistance and the dilemma that many Taiwanese food stands have after interviewing the second generation of the A-Yang. For the insistance, A-Yang purchases the pickled cabbage from Yunlin for the pork blood soup. The pickled cabbage needs to be fresh and without blackening. Therefore, the cost is higher than those in the same trade. The Shacha sauce is provided by the only two traditional Shacha sauce providers in Taipei. A-Yang also insists on using the broth that made with plenty of dried shrimps to immerse the rice noodles so that the noodles would soak the seafood taste. Because of the insistance, A-Yang sacrifices time for his family to take care of people’s stomach. On the other hand, the owner of the first generation had Japanese education which taught them to live a simple life and not to pursue more than one’s need. Therefore, A-Yang’s store takes good care of the old patrons and does not raise the price with the consideration that the young generation does not earn much. Due to the insistance of keeping the original price, A-Yang’s store need to grit the teeth of the ingredient costs that are getting higher. He said to himself, you are making money even just earning one cent. He teased that he is contributing in coins economy.

From the name of the second generation, Yang Zong-Ru, meaning that follow the Confucianism, it shows the expectation from A-Yang on his son. However, the communication between father and son is always a tough task. Their insistance and concentration from the father’s generation can only be passed down with the innovation from the son’s generation and achieve the balance. I had the delicious food with gratitude and at the same time felt unbearable seeing the innocent muddleheaded father and son.

I asked A-Yang the old, “what is the difference between Japanese education and Taiwanese education?”

He answered, “Japanese education teaches one to be a good man while Taiwanese to do one thing well.”

In Yasujirō Ozu’s Tokyo Chorus, the sign of the Calorie Café run by Mr. Omura said:

Health means the health spirits that live in a health body
Use the curry rise to practice the philosophy
is the mission of our humble stand
Rich and nutritious, delicious but not expensive
Good for health…(skip)

Maybe by serving economically “the curry braised minced pork rice with philosophy,” A-Yang has implemented the spirit of “do as hard as you can” that he learned from the Japanese education.

– The end –


1.Caution for the hot soup. If you prefer light taste, the soup is still good without the Shacha sauce taste.

2.The sauce is underneath the fried rice noodle. Remember to stir thoroughly before eating.

3.It is suggested to order the small bowl of braised pork rice first in case you can not stand the exessive amounts of minced pork and rice.

A-Yang’s Pork Blood 小楊豬血湯
Address: No. 47, Changji Street
Open: 10:00 – 21:00
Close: Monday
Menu: Pork blood soup (NT$30), Braised minced pork rice (NT$30), Fried rice noodels (NT$30)
Seats: 30
Tel: 0933 903 121

日譯 王明潔 英譯 陳姿岑
核稿編輯 鄭婷文