

「荷包蛋中間是蛋黃。煎荷包蛋的重點就要不能弄破蛋黃,是吃荷包蛋的人才能弄破。吃的時候,隨著吃的人的意願和時間把蛋黃弄破。這種自主性就是荷包蛋的特徵。」 堀井憲一郎在《深夜食堂》裡這樣說。碟子裡的半熟荷包蛋,當你用筷子輕輕地揭破薄薄的蛋白,就能見到橙黃色蛋汁與特製的黑醬油開始混合。有如火山爆發後的蛋黃岩漿順著邊緣焦黃的蛋白流下,緩緩的滲入淺褐色的米粒上⋯⋯。




撰文 賴霧流 攝影 李尚謙



























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西城帶路 通のこだわりポイント

1. 油飯裡找不到熟悉的肉絲或香菇很正常,正好練習回歸純粹,品嚐糧食本身的麻油清香。おこわには千切り肉とキノコを入れないのは普通です。素朴な味そのままを頂きます。食材に染み込んだゴマ油の優しい味を楽しみましょう。

2. 請務必點一顆半熟蛋,勇敢的劃破在油飯上。半熟目玉焼きトッピングは必ずオーダーして下さい。おこわの上に乗せて破って食べて下さい。

3. 扒完半碗之前,記得澆上店裡的甜辣醬,享受一碗飯截然不同的兩種吃法。お碗の底が見える前、おこわに甘いホットソースをかけて召し上がってみて下さい。二種類の食べ方を楽しむことができます。

珠記油飯 珠記おこわ
住所:大同区民權西路186–1号(臨加油站 ガソリンスタンドの隣)
営業時間:06:40 – 13:00(賣完為止 売り切れあり)
TEL:02 2557 6503

The insistence of the fried egg maniac: The Zhu-Ji Sticky Oil Rice (“You-fan” in Mandarin)

In the center of the fried egg is the yolk. The key point of a fried egg is to not break the yolk. Only the one who eats it can break it. The person who eats the fried egg has the right to decide when to break the yolk. This kind of autonomy is the feature of fried egg” said Mr. Horii Kenichirou in Midnight Diner, a Japanese Manga.

The sunny-side-up egg is placed on the plate. When you use chopsticks to lift the thin white, you can see the orange-yellow liquid egg starting to mix with the black soy sauce. As if after the volcano eruption, the yolk magma flows down along the fried white part and into the light brown rice.

Please take my sincere suggestion, order a fried egg.

On a regular peak time in the morning, the traffic jam on the way from Sanchong to Taipei on the Taipei Bridge has been for more than a century. Today is no exception, still keeping the tradition of the traffic jam. The difference is just that it used to be full of people, but nowadays, full of cars.

I took a detour to the gas station at the cross of Minquan and Chongqing roads. The engines roared, and the vehicle horns here and there were annoying. However, no matter how noisy it was, it was still hard for me not to think about the breakfast store that the locals go: the Daqiaotou Zhu-Ji Sticky Oil Rice.

The signature dish of the Zhu-Ji Sticky Oil Rice is, of course, the sticky oil rice. However, they also serve the braised pork rice, which is the dish that almost all the Taiwanese local restaurant would provide. But the braised pork rice from Zhu-Ji is different from others. If you smell it, it has a good smell but not greasy. It has the taste that our grandmas used to make with pork belly. If you look at it, it is not the minced pork from the south, either mixture of fat and lean meat from the north. You can barely see the lean meat; instead, there is only diced fat meat.

For those who see it for the first time, they might think, “Wouldn’t it be a bit too greasy?”, yet, not at all.

“Fat” is what the modern people try hard to avoid. But what cannot be denied is that it is also one of the best tastes, which can satisfy our stomach and cannot easily be given up. The latest American research published in 2015 summer confirms that the 6th taste of human tastes is the “fat.” The research result shows that same as the public’s idea of fat, too much fat will cause one feel uncomfortable and our body would activate the protection system to avoid absorbing too much fat. However, appropriate amount of fat can bring us a sense of happiness.

Whenever I have Zhu-Ji braised pork rice, I cannot help but think about the scientific fact from the research. Mix the stewed sauce and the rice, eat the rice that spreading the scent of star anise and the fat diced meat together, at the moment they melt in your mouth, I always thought of what my Grandma said to me when I was little, “pick the one with fat while choosing pork for braised.” I feel a sense of happiness physically and mentally. I just cannot get rid of it. This kind of breakfast that can bring a sense of happiness and also the energy for the body is a good choice for the beginning of a day.

Except for the braised pork rice, sometimes I would have the fried egg as the appetizer or together with the rice as the side dishes, which is also a good match. I heard from the owner of the second generation (A-Zhu, 85 years old) that the reason why she chose duck eggs instead of regular eggs is owing to that duck eggs are more delicious and tasty. When she got married with her husband, the restaurant has been opened for years. At that time, the Taipei Bridge was still an iron bridge that reconstructed in the 1920s. Their restaurant was near that area. In the beginning, they provided fried rice noodles and various kinds of Taiwanese dishes. When the owner of the second generation took over, they started serving sticky oil rice. And when the third generation started, they used their ingredient to make their own braised pork rice and listed on the menu. Afterward, the Taipei Bridge was reconstructed with the reinforced concrete, and the connection point was changed as well. That was the reason why the Zhu-Ji moved their restaurant to the current site.

I enjoyed the delicious yolk and was thinking the story and history of this old restaurant that has been open for over half century, still staying silently by the bridge. Since the Qing Dynasty, the Daqiaotou has been the important traffic node. The Qing Dynasty official Liu Mingchuan built up the first wooden bridge that connected Sanchong and Dadaocheng. The railway went pass the bridge. All the workers and parcels from other cities to Taipei gathered here every day and then delivered to other places in Taipei, some of them even exported from Dadaocheng to the whole world.

The sky was just slightly lighted up. A lot of labor workers who gathered at the traffic node started their day. They came to have their breakfast during their spare time in the morning. If they do not have a soymilk or fried breadstick in the morning, they might be exhausted in few hours and could not move a finger. Therefore, the old restaurants in Daqiaotou open early around 6 o’clock in the morning, and they provide sticky oil rice, dried noodles, congee, and red braised pork belly and so on, regardless of greasy or salty food. The Daqiaotou Zhu-Ji Sticky Oil Rice is one of them.

Now, the importance of Daqiaotou is not like what it was in the past. When people hurry for the next destination in the traffic, they would hardly think of this delicious restaurant that only the old locals would know. But, once you calm down and sit down for a meal, all the city memories would like the old movies that play in front of you with the taste on your tongue. The development of Taipei goes fast, and the west town becomes an old town soon. However, maybe the city is like a man, the older he grows, the more charming he is. Just like the braised pork and the fried egg in Zhu-Ji, people will visit again and again.

– The end –


1. It is not surprising if you cannot find any minced meat or mushrooms in the sticky oil rice. It is a time for you to practice returning to simplicity and authentic taste of the food itself.

2. Please do order a sunny-side-up egg, and break the yolk on top of the sticky oil rice.

3. After eating half bowl of oil rice, remember to add some sweet spicy sauce provided by the store. You can then enjoy two different ways of having the same bowl.

珠記油飯 The Zhu-Ji Sticky Oil Rice
Address: No.186-1, Minquan W. Road, Datong District
Open: 06:40-13:00(closed when sold out)
Close: Sunday
Average cost: NT$100
Seats: 20
Tel: 02 2557 6503

日譯 王明潔 英譯 陳姿岑

核稿編輯 鄭婷文