西城 Taipei West Town是獻給臺灣人的線上雜誌,以「傳遞地方精神」為目標,不定期發佈深度旅行路線及擁有土地個性的選品。內容涵括隱身臺北的老味道、場域、文化記憶及地方意識。
西城 Taipei West Town期許自己是短鏡頭,對焦於老城區獨有的掙扎及韌性,紀錄、轉譯之餘,我們耐心的等候這場實驗的化學反應──循著外來者的眼光,讓城市裡孤獨生存的個體,得以重新審視自我的獨特性、好好過日子。
我們以西城為名,由臺北為起點,講述的其實是臺灣人的故事。西城 Taipei West Town將持續紀錄這座潮濕城市裡平凡的小事,誠摯的邀請迷途在都會間的讀者像個內行人般走進臺北的日常,不由得發出「嗯,原來在臺北也能這樣生活啊!」的驚呼或嘆息,續寫她的繁華。
西城 Taipei West Townは台湾で暮らしている人と外国から台湾を訪ねる人々に、かつての台北の生活を知ってもらうために作り上げたオンラインマガジンです。
西城Taipei West Townでは、自らが広角レンズになりうることを期待し、古い街並みに潜む葛藤と強靭性を引き出して記録、翻訳することにより、この実験による化学反応が得られることを待ち望んでいます。
西城Taipei West Townは、この湿度の高い街で起きた他愛もないできごとを記録し続ける。
– 全世界へ中英日三か国語オンラインガイドをプライベートで発信します。
– ローカルのサービスセンターに繋がって、随時に適切なアドバイスをご提供します。
ABOUT Taipei West Town
Taipei West Town is an online Magazine for Taiwanese aiming at delivering the local spirits and irregularly reporting in-depth trip routes and selections that embedded the cultural characteristics. The content comprises authentic local tastes, places, cultural memory, and regional consciousness that hidden in Taipei.
This is a team with online photographers and writers who are low-keyed, fastidious and persistent. We do not want to take everything happened in daily life for granted. Therefore, we seize the moments that glitter in the intervals of time before they are gone as a way to show our gratitude for the land. Literature and photography are the approaches we use to interpret what we see in daily life. Thus, experiences are individual-oriented and rather subjective. Taipei West Town expects itself as short take. We record and interpret the struggles and perseverance of the old town with a great patience to see the chemical reaction in this experiment. Through the outsider’s perspective, the lonely individuals in city can have the chance to review their uniqueness and lead a good life.
“Why West Town?” asked by many people.
The development of Taipei started from the West Town. Up till now, this area still embraces people with various beliefs in all works of life. There are aerial roots of the trees swing and the sunshine dances through the leaves in front of the temple. At night, one might accidentally come across the historical site in the red brick alley. We use West Town as our name, Taipei as starting point, and the story we share is the story about Taiwanese. Taipei West Town will keep recording ordinary stories that happen in this humid city. We sincerely invite the lost-in-city readers to walk into the daily life of Taipei like an insider, be amazed by the city’s prosperity, and might also express in wonder unconsciously, “Umm, now I realized that there is also some ways to live in Taipei.”
Friendly guidebook contains numerous spots in the old town, we only recommend because we are moved by these places.
- Online private tour guide in three languages (Chinese/ English/ Japanese), sending messages to the world
- Connect you to the right person and local organization that are perfect for you.