【酒店新兵日記】學長帶路!魅惑與現實的邊界 ─「スナック」日式酒店

撰文 李律昇 攝影 陳志誠   演員  陳希文・林派・駱乃康・小橋川貴之・戴開成




















『一先ず<jing shi>を一本。』先輩は素早く決まり、お姉さんは二人だけの暗号を聞こえた様に、躊躇もなく準備に行きました。このお酒を用意している間に、何とでも<jing shi>がどんな物かを知りたい、先輩に振り向き、二人だけのボリュームでこっそり先輩に<jing shi>は何か聞きました。先輩はタバコを吸いながら、ゆったり顔で私を見上げ、ちとっも答える気は無かったです





そして私達のお酒を作り始めました、先輩はロックだけで良いと言い、ヒカルさんは広口 のウィスキーグラスに一粒丸氷を入,コップかれからゆっくりウィスキーを注ぎ、細長いバースプーン で軽く混ぜます、氷はグラスに沿ってかき混ぜ、ちっとも氷が傷つく事が無い、仕上げにバースプーンを少しを持ち上げ、そしてちょっと動きを止めてから、先輩にグラスを渡しました。










テレビには李榮浩(リーロンハウ)の新曲が流れてるが、私の中ではMAY DAYの<溫柔>です。先輩の煙草は三本目になり、私が五杯目辺りの頃は、私とヒカリさんのスキンシップも最初より近寄りました、ちょっと寄し掛かっている状態です。うっとりとタバコの煙が上がって行くのを見上げ、天井をに釣り下がっている唯一のランプが現実との境界線をぼやける。先輩やヒカルさんが何を言ってるのかもう気になら無くなり、大人の話は私に関係ない、少年はただただグラスのウェイスキーを飲み乾したいだけ、普段の仮面を脱ぎ捨て、池沿いに酔い倒れた。







– 全文完 –

西城帶路 通のこだわりポイント

1.日式酒店的消費方式 ,每個入場的人頭費在一千元至一千五百元之間不等,開酒費用則為五千元起跳,若是這次沒有喝完可以寄著留待下次享用。日本式バー(スナック)の支払い方は、一人入場で約1000元から1500元の間です。持ち込み料金は5000元からです、飲み乾せない場合は次のお楽しみでキープ。



Capturing the glimmering moment

My friend B and I once went to Kyoto for seven days on a whim. We are the kind of people who don’t control our diet, so while in Japan, we became even more hedonistic. From the first day to the seventh day, we first had a draft beer, and enjoyed alcohol for the rest of the day. In the day time, we visited temples, while at night, we indulged ourselves endlessly at bars and and izakaya restaurants.

I still remember the delicious tofu skin dish and Japanese sake at Pontocho. We had a nice feast and insisted on going to the Kamogawa River near the 4th lane to take a rest. I, with both cheeks flushing from alcohol, staggered and almost fell on the ground. B laughed loudly at me, as I adjusted my crooked glasses and laughed along with him.

I followed my senior along the Linsen North Road, and this memory occurred to me for no reason.

Recently, a night just after the Beginning of Summer and before the Grain Full, I had an opportunity to go to the Linsen North Road together with a senior of mine. But the reason is complicated, and I’d rather not to mention of it now. Of course, it was not my first time walking on Linsen North Road. There are numerous Japanese restaurants, izakaya restaurants, hot pot restaurants, ramen restaurants, etc. The authentic Japanese food really appealed to me, who had always been immersing in Japanese culture. I’d always wanted to take one or two nights in a few months to eat and drink there.

That day I had curry rice. The restaurant provided soft omelets, sweet and delicious curry sauce and crunchy fried pork chop. Unfortunately, I had just eaten curry rice at noon that day. It was really difficult for me to eat curry rice for two meals, but after all, whoever paid was the boss. Since I had no income, before my senior squinted at me and asked me to go to the alley to buy chicken rice, it was better for me to just eat. But I really have to say that the Japanese restaurant on the Linsen North Road is authentic. Even though I had curry rice for two meals, I couldn’t resist the spices that stimulated my appetite, the sweet curry, and the smooth, half-cooked omelet. I finished the curry rice within a quarter of an hour.

The night of Linsen North Road was lurking in the lanes perpendicular to the main road. The insiders do not call them Lane XX of Linsen North Road. Instead, they speak of them in Japanese tone, calling them “Tiaotong”. Now, I’m going to follow my senior and step into the “Kabukicho Street” in Taiwan, which is the romantic and alcohol center of the night, full of all kinds of temptations.

After taking a look at 6th Tiaotong cross, my senior went straight to a Japanese-style bar in 8th
Tiaotong. We walked up some small staircases, and found the bar had a light-colored façade coated in frosted glass and a sound-insulating door. The Japanese-style bars always have heavy doors which are difficult to push. This is not only to protect the guests inside from being pried, but it is also to create a safe atmosphere. Although the door is difficult to push, it is more reassuring than anything else.

Just as if they could sense us, at the moment we were about to open the door, a lady wearing Persian blue and white, low-cut cheongsam slowly opened the door for us and said welcome fluently in Japanese. I was very surprised that she seemed to know exactly when we were arriving and greeted us in time. I shyly nodded and followed my senior inside, and another lady guided us to our seat.

The place was not big, only about 30 to 40 pings (100 to 132mm2). There are three large open seating areas that could accommodate eight people respectively and several single chairs facing the bar. There were two 40-inch TVs on the wall, and DAM karaoke machines on the cabinet behind the bar. I guessed the sofa was made of velvet and it was comfortable. The lady wearing a cheongsam waited until we settled, and quickly sent us hot towels to wipe our hands and asked us what kind of alcohol we wanted to drink.

“Let’s have a bottle of ‘Jingxi’ first,” said my senior quickly. The lady seemed to understand the secret code and immediately went back to the bar to prepare. During this short break, I got to figure out what “Jingxi” was. I asked my senior what it was in a very low voice, but he just smoked and looked at me calmly, not having a slight intention of telling me.

The lady soon came out with alcohol and glasses, and a waiter followed to bring us cookies and fruits. The lady said her name was Hikaru. She smiled and inquired about our drinking habits, while her hands smoothly folded the towels in half and then folded three times and put them aside.

She started bartending. The senior said that he would like to add some ice. Hikaru put a round ice cube in the wide-mouthed whisky glass and slowly poured whisky from the lipped glass, and gently stirred with a long, thin spoon. Her action was very delicate, and the ice cube rotated along the wall of the glass without changing its shape. Finally, she gently lifted the spoon, paused a little, and gave the glass to my senior.

Hikaru smiled, telling me that the key was the pause at last, though I didn’t understand why.

After our alcohol was served, Hikaru picked up a lady’s glass and toasted to us. Compared to our wide-mouthed whisky glass, the lady’s glass was almost as small as a teacup. I was curious and asked about it. As she refilled for us, she explained briskly, “We have to drink while serving the customers, so we use small glasses which make us look elegant and also reduce the amount of alcohol. Moreover, some guests would wonder why the waitresses drink so much; after all, the alcohol was not cheap. When we drink with a small glass, guests are less worried.”

She then took the opportunity to tell me a lot of interesting stories.

I was still very young then, so Hikaru was like my older sister anyhow. She told me directly that the ladies working at Japanese-style bars were normally older. “Since many customers here are high-ranking expatriate executives, 50 or 60-year-old men, who would certainly have generation gap with 20-year-old young ladies who worked at Chinese-style clubs. However, ladies in their thirties would have relatively more to talk with them. Oh yeah, the paper is for ordering songs. Do you want to sing? But here we have public stations, so everyone can hear you. Sometimes when chatting with Japanese guests, a karaoke list is also a good helper. When we can’t communicate with each other, we can communicate through writing. We would also write your name on it so that the lady who comes later will know immediately…”

The TV was playing Li Rong-Hao’s new song, but the melody in my head was “Gentle” by Mayday. Probably when my senior got the third cigarette, and when I drank the fifth glass of alcohol, I had more physical contact with Hikaru. I leaned against her slightly and watched cigarette smoke rising inattentively. With the only light on the ceiling blurring the line between reality and illusion, I didn’t care much about what my senior and Hikaru were talking about. The topic of adults had nothing to do with me. The teenager like me only wanted to drink all the whisky from the glass, taking off the mask of the long day and getting drunk beside the pool.

Was it about the seventh or eighth glass? I was a little drunk and I couldn’t remember clearly. My senior patted me and said that it was about time to go to the next bar. I stood up and staggered, greedily drinking the water on the table. Hikaru sent us out and gave us a deep bow, inviting us to visit again. I couldn’t stand still and accidentally tripped by the bump of the ditch. I rubbed my face hard, putting on my fallen glasses. The narrow streets were glimmering with club sign neon. There were Japanese-style buildings, and soft light of lanterns reflected on the tipsy guests. People were coming and going but there was no bustle on the boulevard. This is Pontocho.

It turned out that it wasn’t on Kabukicho Street, but at Pontocho on Kyoto Shijo that I tripped myself. On this not-so-quiet evening, I could hear the water running from Kamogawa River 2,000 kilometers away. I walked as fast as I could and managed not to fall over. I followed my senior who was smoking and moving forward quickly from the 8th Tiaotong. We went past Middle Street, and he turned several times. I, who was already drunk, got lost in this maze, so I let my senior lead the way and I just followed.

My senior suddenly stopped at a vendor and bought a box of betel nuts. He asked me happily if I wanted to try. I was unwilling to show any sign of weakness, so I took the betel nuts and followed him into the second bar.

– The end –


1. For Japanese bars, the entrance fee is between 1,000 and 1,500 NTD and the corkage fee is 5,000 NTD. If you cannot finish the bottle, you can store it there and have it on the next visit.

2. Japanese bars provide you with care. When chatting and laughing with you, I believe you will also notice that there is no water stain on the glass. After returning from the bathroom, there will always be a hot towel and someone is always there to light up your cigarette.

3. Japanese bars close at 1 o’clock in the morning. It was surprisingly moderate. After modestly enjoying the night with alcohol and the company and nice chatter of a young lady, customers go back home. It is how a gentleman enjoys the night.

日譯 程柔淳 英譯 陳姿岑
核稿編輯 鄭婷文