一見就鍾情!名度日式卡拉OK ─ 宛如大正浪漫時期清唱一首青春組曲

撰文 呂建青 攝影 林志潭 Jr Tan Lin









極愛這種台日混血的養分,什麼都恰到好處!店裡舉凡各種國台英日語老歌、台式小菜如啤酒、花生、豆干,台味十足。或是前往洗手間的走廊上,有一排拍立得簽名的名人照,上面的面容與簽名都是當代有名的歌手與畫家:張雨生、蔡志忠、于櫻櫻等,同時也貼著歷屆服務員的照片,完美羅列著行注目禮,像是一種對服務員的付出說感謝,也像是一種對客人無盡的日式服務的致敬,但卻不致於叨擾你的 如廁時光,安靜得不著痕跡。

而廁所更像是隱士的祕境,角落空間擺放上一盆花,有一絲上個時代畫報的日常美感,極其有趣的是廁所牆上各式裱框的理念與叮嚀,像是畫框中有一張生日卡片,提醒初次來訪的客人請務必留下生日資料,他們會在你生日時寄送卡片致意 ; 還有裱框的純文字溫馨小語:「拍手就是一種鼓勵,也是發自內心的禮貌!」提醒客人忘情歡唱之餘,別忘了給予掌聲。在你如廁的片刻,以最優雅的方式傳遞店裡的精神,倒也不覺得被打擾,完廁後,這份思維可以溫柔的傳遞到客人的心。如果說名度宛如一篇縝密的長詩,那這些小細節的置入,就值得你親自到訪,細細閱讀探索。


角落空間擺放上一盆花,有一絲上個時代畫報的日常美感,極其有趣的是廁所牆上各式裱框的理念與叮嚀,像是畫框中有一張生日卡片,提醒初次來訪的客人請務必留下生日資料,他們會在你生日時寄送卡片致意 ; 還有裱框的純文字溫馨小語:「拍手就是一種鼓勵,也是發自內心的禮貌!」提醒客人忘情歡唱之餘,別忘了給予掌聲。在你如廁的片刻,以最優雅的方式傳遞店裡的精神,倒也不覺得被打擾,完廁後,這份思維可以溫柔的傳遞到客人的心。如果說名度宛如一篇縝密的長詩,那這些小細節的置入,就值得你親自到訪,細細閱讀探索。


唱歌,就是要去鬆一下嘛!名度卡拉ok真的讓人很放鬆,即使你沒有上台唱歌,佐以免費提供的小食也是愜意。不得不推的是現場碳烤的魷魚絲,香氣硬是逼人,搭配一杯冰得剛好的台灣啤酒,再加上聆聽席間的客人歌聲,也是一種極上享受。這裡的客人們形形色色,有一人獨撐好幾首青春組曲的搖擺大叔,邊唱還能邊手舞足蹈;也有三五好友的下班後生日小聚,自帶生日蛋糕熱唱華語排行榜上最HITO的勁歌;也有日本人來訪,來個兩首熱血的Mr. Children、尾崎豐,或是森進一的歌謠曲…無論是怎樣的客人與歌喉,老闆總是會無私的在每個人唱完後給予掌聲,這正是屬於名度的溫柔。幸運的話,週間早點來到這,你還可能包場,整家店就是你的歡唱間。

歌うって、リラックスするということだ。やっぱり名度カラオケは僕をリラックスさせられる。ステージにに上がらなくても、無料でおつまみを頂くのも満足できるんだ。焼き立てのイカ炭焼きはお勧めの一品だ。物凄く香りとちょうど冷たい台湾ビール、それに隣の席のお客さんの歌声を聞きながら、一番の楽しみなのだ。お客様は皆それぞれで、一人で何曲も歌い続ける揺れ揺れのおじさんが歌いながら踊っている。仕事が終わった後に友達と一緒に誕生日祝いにくる人もいれば、誕生日ケーキを持ち込んで中国語のヒット曲を熱唱する人もいる。日本人が店に入って、熱曲のMr. Childrenや尾崎豊の歌を二曲を歌って、或いは森進一の歌謡曲を選ぶ。どんなお客さんや歌声でも、オーナーさんは皆が歌い終わったら必ず温かい拍手を送る。それは名度の心遣いだ。ラッキーに恵まれた君なら、平日に早めに店に入れば独り占めできて、君のだけのカラオケになるよ。





– 全文完 –

西城帶路 通のこだわりポイント



3. 老闆說,名度畢竟不是居酒屋,飲料小食都屬於比較家常的類型,請多包涵。オーナーさんからのメッセージ:「名度は居酒屋ではないです。ドリンクやおつまみは家庭の味ですので、誠に申し訳ないです。」

営業時間:20:00 – 01:00
定休日:週日 / 不定休
TEL:02 2543 4840

No Karaoke, No Life! Sing a youth suite as if travel back to the romantic Taisho period

There is one kind of feeling that is so good that even though you had left for few blocks away from the store, the melody is still echoing in your mind. The dreamlike feeling will make you reluctant to wake up from it. There was a simple sign in front of the store. Push the door and enter, you would feel like travel back to the previous generation. The old-fashion interior was like a senior gentleman. The bar and seats were neatly arranged with elegant and conservation. However, the relaxation and craziness that our life experience has been through were not absent as well. Every person can find their place to sing aloud at here in this inconspicuous store hidden in the lanes.

Last time I visited Ming-du was for my friend’s birthday party who is a foreigner. My friend did not choose the chained KTV, instead, the Taiwanese-Japanese style Karaoke was chosen. Along with our curiosity, a group of people wandered through the lanes to find the store. There were full of surprises and joys that cannot describe in words when searching for the store. It was a love at the first sight. I supposed that it must because of the feeling of the good old days.

The mini stage, the thick song catalog, the written song request, the server, the place, the atmosphere in the air, the karaoke screen, and even the neon lighting are so old school. At this good-old-day night, I was healed.

When visiting the karaoke, some might be timid, some might be too relaxed, but here two types of the group would mingle together. They would relax and have the good feeling of tipsy. It might due to the background of this store. Mr. Miyajima is a Japanese and a merchandiser, and Tomi, Mrs. Miyajima, is a Taiwanese. With the mix of Taiwanese and Japanese business philosophy, you might be able to find the Taiwanese casualness and Japanese exquisiteness at the same time. The store has run for 31 years. You might find the track of time from the signature of the movie director Pai Ching-Jui on the wall. This store used to be the scene in the Hong Kong and Japanese movie. The whole store was like an intriguing novel, and you would not just gobble it up.

I love the nutrition of the mixture of Taiwan and Japan. Everything was just right.  For example, the Chinese, Taiwanese, English and Japanese old songs, the beer, peanut, dried bean curd, and other Taiwanese side dishes. Or the corridor led to the restroom, there was a row of celebrity Polaroid with signatures, such as Tom Chang, Tsai Chih-Chung, Yu Ying-Ying, etc. Also, there is a row of the servers’ photos. Looking at them was like to acknowledge their services and contribution, but at the same time has the feeling of the endless Japanese service to guests but yet not to disturb your time at the restroom quietly. The restroom was like a secret place for a hermit. There was a pot with a flower at the corner, creating a feeling of the old generation poster image. Moreover, there were many framed ideas and notices on the wall. For example, one of the framed birthday card from a guest reminded the newcomers to leave their birthday information. They would send you a birthday card every year. Another framed note said, “Applause is the encouragement and also the politeness from the heart,” reminding guest to give their big hands to others while they enjoy their own singing. In the short moment in the restroom, they deliver the spirits of the store in an elegant and not disturbing way. Their ideas would be delivered to the guest’s heart with tenderness. If describing Ming-du as a long exquisite poem, the details between lines are the reason for you to visit and explore.

Singing is meant for relaxing. Ming-du Karaoke was really relaxing even you just being an audience and enjoy the dishes off the stage. The grilled dried shredded squid was definitely recommended. The fragrance was good and matched with the iced Taiwan beer perfectly. Together with the singing, it was one of the best enjoyments. There were various kinds of guests. A swaying middle-aged man can sing many youth suite songs and can dance at the same time. Some were here for a birthday party after work. They brought their birthday cakes and sang the most hit Chinese songs. Some were Japanese. They sang Mr. Children, Yutaka Ozaki or Shinichi Mori’s songs. No matter what kinds of guest and singing, the owner, Mr. Miyajima would give big hands to every single singer. This is the gentleness and tenderness of Ming-du. If you are lucky to come during the weekdays, you might happen to enjoy the place all by yourself and just sing as much and loud as you wish.

There were no crafty and distances like the chained karaoke in Ming-du, but more intimacy and homelike feeling. This kind of store was often on the list for our friends gathering. We would always say, “Do you want to go there? It has been a long time and I would like to visit again.” Even the friend who was there for the first time, he/she was a potential frequent guest in the future. This is the charm of Ming-du. Ming-du has the Japanese karaoke appearance, and deep inside the soul was the details and passion for singing. I liked especially the Japanese Geisha beer poster on the wall and the neon lighting under the stage. They did not use the spotlight; instead, they chose the neon lighting on the ground. A feeling of Taiwanese local style mingled with the karaoke, your soul would feel free for a while after a few drinks. Everyone can enjoy the stage, the excitement of high decibels, and the sense of freedom while they grabbed the microphone and sang!

Next night, we are here in Ming-du waiting for you to come and sing along.

– The end –


1.Raise your microphone up in the air to take the applause. Don’t forget to give big hands for other singers while you enjoying singing!

2.The aisle to the restroom is the hidden Easter egg for you to learn more about this place.

3.The owner said that Ming-du is not izakaya, the drinks and dishes are mostly homemade style instead of exquisite and fine dishes that offered in restaurant.

名度卡拉ok Ming-du Karaoke
Address: No. 25, Lane 119, Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Open: 20:00 – 01:00
Close: Sunday
Minimum cost: $460 per person (including beers or Whiskey) , no booth fee.
Tel:02 2543 4840

日譯 王明潔 英譯 中華翻譯社 蘇先生
核稿編輯 鄭婷文